The Stream Gage Data Users survey was created by representatives from local nonprofits and state and federal agencies to help us understand how people and organization are using and accessing data. Whether you are a rancher, farmer, water commissioner, tribal representative, watershed group, an irrigator, outfitter/guide, or water rights holder, please complete the Montana Streamgage User’s Survey today. It is available here: .

Do you check stream gage data in Montana for flooding information, stream flow data, or water rights?
Montana is home to 264 gages funded and maintained by state, federal and local governments; companies, and nonprofits. Each organization has its own goals and needs for the gage data. Data for most of the gages is publicly available through apps and websites for people to use. We know that gage data sites are being visited much more over the last 5 years, but we don’t know who is checking on the data and for what reasons. Public funding for the gage’s maintenance has decreased or remained flat over the last decade. In order to access more public funding, we need to show that these gages are valued and used!
Please pass this along to any friends or colleagues that also may be gage date users. We are working to get the survey out far and wide, apologies ahead of time for cross postings, and this potentially showing up in your email more than once.