Melrose Riparian Planting
Degradation along this bank of the Big Hole was attributed to a lack of riparian vegetation and the dominance of introduced/exotic undesirable plants, leading to 150 feet of bare and eroding stream bank south of Melrose, Montana. This project installed deep rooting riparian vegetation along the bank, halting current degrading trends.
170 linear feet of bare and eroding stream bank was revegetated to encourage the begins of a riparian forest along the Mossop stream bank. The newly vegetated bank will eventually provide deep roots and stability to the degraded bank. Additionally, the newly planted riparian vegetation will provide shade to the river, helping to reduce high water temperatures. Revegetation with native riparian plants will provide healthy habitat for aquatic, avian, and terrestrial wildlife.
Full exclosure fencing was installed around plantings to protect them from browse while they become established.
Project completed Fall 2021.
Project Results
-30 live willow clumps planted along 170 feet of streambank
-Hand-planted willow stakes incorporated throughout the project reach to complement revegetation efforts
-Old, inoperative irrigation ditch realigned and reconnected along project reach to aid in vegetation establishment
People and Organizations Involved
Private Landowners
Montana Watershed Coordination Council
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Project Photos

Project MAP