Wise River Monitoring & Water Budget
BHWC and partners are working together to understand the water budget and hyrology within the Wise River, the largest tributary to the Big Hole River.
Project Description
BHWC and partners are working to understand the water budget and hydrology of the Wise River. In summer and fall 2022, BHWC measured stream flow and temperatures throughout the drainage. The goal of the data collection is to develop enhancement projects to improve late-season, cold-water availability and connectivity for fish species while also enhancing working ranchlands.
Tributary streams are vitally important to both rivers and fish. Tributaries provide places to hide and cool off in the summer heat. Fed by snowmelt, they can be several degrees cooler than mainstem rivers. The cold-water input that the Wise River contributes to the mainstem Big Hole River can be felt downstream for miles. Improvements in the Wise River’s ability to deliver cold, abundant water will benefit all water users on the Wise River and downstream.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service: Partners for Fish and Wildlife
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Private landowners
Project Photos

Project MAP
In Progress
Resource Management/Planning